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Kanye West confirms that a picture of his giant penis is real. Courtney Love is obsessed with her…īrian: Thumbs up. He even uses his undies to get it front and center. Favre's Fapperīrett Favre's petite penis comes to us courtesy of Gawker's fratty brother site Deadspin. In the video here (parts of which are NSFW due to penis photos at the 2:08 mark), you'll see… Brett Favre's Cellphone Seduction Of Jenn Sterger (Update) Favre's dick pics were part of his uninvited cellphone seduction of sports reporter Jenn Sterger. Tragic lack of self-awareness.īrian: Thumbs down. I've never seen a penis look this unappealing. Last March, James Franco tweeted this picture to his 364,000 followers with no explanation.

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What's that pink thing sticking out of his fly? An awkwardly positioned hand? A penis? An existential joke from the king of annoying performance art mindfucks?īrian: I like that there's a mystery of whether or not it's really Franco's frankfurter. Just like most of Franco's art, this gets a thumbs up for concept, thumbs down for execution.

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